TALPOȘ, Vasile. “Construirea bisericii care nu se putea construi!“ / “To Build the Church Which Was Impossible to Build!“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 4-35.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
BUNACIU, Otniel Ioan. “Principii baptiste.“ / “Baptist Principles.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 36-44.
School of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest
BARTOȘ, Emil. “Gândirea baptistă și spiritul european.“ / “Baptist Thinking and European Spirit.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 45-61.
School of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest
GHEORGHIȚĂ, Radu. “Apocalipsa lui Isus.“ / “Revelation of Jesus.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 62-75.
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
MARIȘ, Daniel. “Invățătura etică creștină despre divorț și recăsătorire.“ / “The Christian Ethical Teaching About Divorce and Remarriage.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 76-93.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
BABAN, Octavian. “Principii lingvistice și teologicie în traducerea interconfesională a NT.“ / “Linguistic and Theological Principles of Interconfesional Translation of the NT.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 94-109.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
GHERMAN, Daniel. “Timpul – un cod al puterii în Estera.“ / “Time – A Code of Power in the book of Esther.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 110-119.
TATU, Silviu. “Practici divinatorii.“ / “Divination Practices.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 118-134.
Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest
SABOU, Sorin. “Iudaism palestinian intertestamental.“ / “Second Temple Judaism.“ Jurnal teologic 4 (2005): 135-155.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Jurnal teoloigc 4 (2005) can be viewed here.