RUS, Toader-Ionuț, Relația dintre Israel și Biserică. O perspectivă evanghelică / The Relationship Between Israel and the Church. An Evangelical Perspective. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 5-12.
This paper examines the relationship between the people of Israel and the Church, highlighting the theological and soteriological implications associated with these distinct entities in God’s plan. The aim of the research is to provide a clear and biblically and theologically grounded understanding of this relationship, considering the diversity of perspectives within the evangelical movement. The study explores three main paradigms: the dispensationalist perspective, which emphasizes the separation between Israel and the Church in God’s economy; the non-dispensationalist perspective, which argues that the Church replaces Israel in God’s soteriological plan; and the progressive dispensationalist perspective, which proposes a unified approach where Israel and the Church work together toward the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. The paper highlights the arguments, strengths, and limitations of each perspective, providing a foundation for further discussions on the eschatological and hermeneutical implications of these theologies.
Keywords: church, dispensationalism, eschatology, God’s plan, Israel, soteriology
KARDOS, Jani, Relația dintre sfințire și justificare în teologia paulină / The relationship between sanctification and justification in Pauline theology. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 13-28.
This study highlights the relationship between sanctification and justification, emphasizing their overlap at conversion and sanctification as a consequence of justification. Justification, God’s act of declaring believers righteous, inherently includes sanctification, initiating transformation. Pauline theology portrays justification as God’s covenantal faithfulness, imputed through faith in Christ, and universal for all believers. Sanctification begins concurrently with justification but progresses as its outcome, calling believers to holiness and producing the fruit of the Spirit. Thus, sanctification is both intertwined with and dependent on justification, illustrating their inseparable yet distinct roles in the believer’s salvation.
Keywords: sanctification, justification, Pauline theology, consequence.
RĂCOREAN, Ștefana-Ioana, Relația cu Dumnezeu în suferința mintală / Relationship with God in mental illness. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 29-42.
The current article aims to investigate the ways in which undergoing mental health issues impacts one’s relationship with God. In a sample of Romanian Evangelicals, interviews were conducted to delineate the manners in which undergoing psychological suffering as a result of an anxiety, a depressive disorder or experiencing post-traumatic symptoms can impact one’s relationship with God. One of the factors that impacted people’s relationship with God amidst suffering was considered to be whether or not the person has experienced a certain amount of relief from his/her symptoms. Upon processing their experience of mental health disorder(s), participants shared that they were able to identify ways in which their symptoms of anxiety or depression had affected the ways in which they perceived God. Also, upon working through their mental health issues, participants addressed issues related to their relationship to God, feeling that they felt stronger in their relationship to God after having experienced relief. Contrary to the ways in which participants were approached by fellow Christians, participants felt that their relationship to God was affected by their symptomatology, and not that their symptomatology was generated by a faulty relationship to God.
Keywords: evangelicals, mental illness, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic symptoms, relationship with God, suffering.
DRĂGAN MOLDOVEANU, Anca-Georgiana, Contextualizarea teologiei în misiune și evanghelizare: Avantaje și pericole / Contextualizing Theology in Mission and Evangelism: Advantages and Dangers. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 43-60.
This article explores the concept of contextual theology, an approach to theology that emphasizes the importance of social, cultural, and historical context in shaping theological understanding and practice. Various models of contextual theology are examined to illustrate how theology adapts to different contexts to remain relevant and transformative. The advantages of contextual theology include its ability to empower marginalized communities, foster cultural diversity within faith, and address contemporary social issues. However, this approach also presents challenges, such as potential fragmentation within the broader theological community and the risk of syncretism or universalism, that may weaken doctrinal consistency. Through a balanced examination of these advantages and limitations, this article provides insight into how contextual theology can enrich faith practices while acknowledging the complexities involved in its application.
Keywords: contextual theology, contextualization, mission, evangelism.
PICU, Adrian, Elemente de continuitate în mesajul despre dreptatea socială în scrierile lui Amos și Iacov / Elements of Continuity in the Message of Social Justice in the Writings of Amos and James. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 61-73.
In a divided Jewish society assailed by conceptual models and idolatrous practices borrowed from the religious syncretism of the Canaanite peoples, Amos’ oracles condemned formal religiosity in which God’s law was forgotten and morality replaced by hedonism and self-centerdness. The prophet sanctions the abusive practices of Samaria’s elites towards the various underprivileged social groups and the injustice that reigned in the courts by replacing the biblical model of divine justice with a corrupt judicial system. The protection of vulnerable social groups was also a priority for James in the early Church, manifested in adjusting the class gap, with the privileges of the rich being opportunities for the poor to minister. He asks the church to worship not only in a personal, contemplative way, but in a communal, corporate way.
Bringing into dialogue the biblical message from two different historical contexts and stages is intended to highlight the sacred writers’ concern to preserve and accurately transmit the divine revelation on social justice. The paper seeks to answer some of the questions that arouse interest: Is God interested in revealing his justice in all historical periods? Is there unity and continuity between Old Testament theology and Christian theology of social justice? We believe that by receiving the message of the biblical writings brought in dialogue, the Christian public will be sensitized to launch programs that will be bridges to various minorities, such as the homeless, orphans, drug users and various forms of prostitution
Keywords: social justice, vulnerable, poor, minorities, rich, underprivileged, worship.
FODOREAN, Daniel, Primul model românesc de fuziune bisericească: Biserica Baptistă germană și o Biserică Baptistă română din București / The First Romanian Church Merger Model: The German Baptist Church and a Romanian Baptist Church in Bucharest. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 74-91.
One way a church’s life can be changed is by merging with another church. Mergers can save a stagnant or declining church from extinction. Thus, since the 2000s, this way of bringing dynamic change in churches undergoing difficulties, called fusion, has been the subject of theoretical and practical research. Like the other aspects that enter into the study of applied ecclesiology, the local and national context plays an essential role in the particularization of the general theoretical aspects. In Romania, a fusion took place long before this concept entered the ecclesiastical vocabulary and practice. It is about the merger between the German Baptist church in Bucharest and a Romanian Baptist church also in Bucharest. The German Baptist Church in Bucharest is known as the first Baptist church in Romania. This article aims to identify the context, the process and the particularities of the merger that took place between the two churches. This study is significant from several points of view, but one of them is the historical importance of one of the churches involved in the merger and the antiquity of this merger model.
Keywords: church merger; types of mergers; applied ecclesiology, church revitalization, first Romanian Baptist Church
SABOU, Sorin, O Notă despre οὐσία la Aristotel / A Note on Οὐσία in Aristotle. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 92-98.
This note is an argument for a compatibilist understanding of οὐσία in Categories and Metaphysics 7. In Categories Aristotle has a complex understanding of οὐσία that shows the elements which will be explained in Metaphysics 7: a) the fact the οὐσία is the basis of the other substances, b) the fact that οὐσία is in all other substances, c) the fact that οὐσία is something individual, and d) the fact that οὐσία indicates the thing that is one in number.
Keywords: Aristotle, Metaphysics, Categories, substance, hylomorphic compound