Category Archives: Issues

Jurnal teologic 23.3 (2024)

RUS, Toader-Ionuț, Relația dintre Israel și Biserică. O perspectivă evanghelică / The Relationship Between Israel and the Church. An Evangelical Perspective. Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 3 (2024): 5-12. Abstract This paper examines the relationship between the people of Israel and the Church, highlighting the theological and soteriological implications associated with these distinct entities in […]

Jurnal teologic 23.2 (2024)

Otniel Ioan BUNACIU, David Andrei BUNACIU, Secularizarea din perspectiva secularităților multiple: Cazul României și al Cehiei / Secularization from the Perspective of Multiple Secularities: The Cases of Romania and Czech Republic, Jurnal teologic Vol 23, Nr 2 (2024): 5-20. Abstract This paper examines how the understanding of secularization, traditionally viewed as a consequence of modernity, […]

Jurnal teologic 22.2 (2023)

Amiel DRIMBE, Instruire pe calea vieții: Scurtă introducere în conținutul și teologia Didahiei. Jurnal teologic Vol 22, Nr 2 (2023): 5-31. Abstract The Didache, an ancient Christian document likely composed in the late first century CE, stands as one of the earliest known Christian writings outside the New Testament, providing valuable insights into the formative […]

Jurnal teologic 22.1 (2023)

Octavian BABAN, The Complexity of Social Identity and the ‘We’ Groups in Acts: Its Theology and Relevance for Contemporary Christians. Jurnal teologic Vol 22, Nr 1 (2023): 5-30. Abstract The present article analyses Luke’s use of personal pronouns, first person plural (“we”) and their derivatives or associated vocabulary, with the general tools of biblical exegesis […]

Jurnal teologic 21.3 (2022)

Corin MIHĂILĂ, The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus. An Argument beginning from First Corinthians 15. Jurnal teologic Vol 21, Nr 3 (2022): 9-31. Emanuel University of Oradea, Romania Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri, USA Abstract Critical scholarship has, in the last decades, raised questions about the bodily resurrection of Jesus, on account of the […]

Jurnal teologic 21.2 (2022)

Sorin BĂDRĂGAN, Ispite subtile din viața credinciosului: O abordare expozitiv-teologică a ispitirii lui Isus din Matei 4:1–11 / Subtle Temptations in the Life of the Believer: An Expositional-Theological Approach to the Temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:1–11. Jurnal teologic Vol 21, Nr 2 (2022): 5-18. Abstract If in the case of Jesus Christ, the devil […]

Jurnal teologic 21.1 (2022)

Amiel DRIMBE, Scriptura și ziarul: receptarea versiunilor Dumitru Cornilescu de către ortodocșii din România în primii ani de la publicare (1920-1926), Jurnal teologic Vol 21, Nr 1 (2022): 5-39. Abstract Following the conversion of Dumitru Cornilescu (1917/1918), his transition to Protestantism, and the disputes at the “Stork’s Nest” Church (1922–1923), the attitude of Romanian Orthodox […]

Jurnal teologic 20.2 (2021)

Daniel-Marius MARIȘ, Teodor-Ioan COLDA, Relația dintre Seminarul Teologic Baptist și Biserica Creștină Baptistă „Golgota“ din București / The Relationship between the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest and ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church in Bucharest, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 5-23. Abstract In this paper (“The Relationship between the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest and ‘Golgotha’ […]