Daniel-Marius MARIȘ, Teodor-Ioan COLDA, Rolul pastorului baptist Constantin Adorian în fondarea Seminarului Teologic Baptist din București / The Role of the Baptist Pastor Constantin Adorian in Founding the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 5-25.
Rector, Institutul Teologic Baptist București
Prodecan, Institutul Teologic Baptist București
In this paper the authors acknowledge the contribution of the Baptist minister Constantin Adorian in founding the Baptist Theological Seminary and in moving the institution to Bucharest, the capital cit of Romania. The one hundred years which have passed since then are solid proof that his decisions were inspired, strategic and with long-term impact on the dynamics of Baptist churches in Romania and abroad. His endeavors are more remarkable considering the fact that between the two World Wars Baptist believers, and members of other evangelical or free denominations, were severely persecuted by the Eastern Orthodox Church in tandem with the Romanian state authorities.
Keywords: Constantin Adorian, Baptist, Seminary, Bucharest, Romania
Vasile TALPOȘ, Coroana de glorie spre slava Dumnezeului Celui Preaînalt asupra capului Almei Mater a educației teologice baptiste din București / The Crown of Glory to the Glory of the Most High God on the Head of the Alma Mater of Baptist Theological Education in Bucharest, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 27-37.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
One of the greatest needs of the baptist Churches in Romania, and not only, was and still is, that of well-prepared pastors, who are able to shepherd the nation of God. This need influenced the decision to set up, one hundred years ago, the Baptist Theological Seminary, in Buteni, which, in time, reached the highest level of academic performance. Towards the end of the first century of Baptist theological education in Romania, this article makes a short presentation of a metaphorical image of this Institute, that became, in academic words, Alma Mater, „The Mother School”. The Institute is described using the metaphor of a crown put on the head of this century of existence, crown that contains metaphorical shining bouquets that God blessed and gifted this Institute with, blessings of growth and accomplishment of its purpose, for the glory of God, in the Evangelical mission. One of the bouquets is the bouquet of the divine origin of this Institute, when the Baptist Mission School was set up. Another shining bouquet is the formation program of this Institute, based entirely on the principles of Bible’s Words of christian doctrine and living. In addition, the bouquet of the preserved principles of faith and life of Baptist Christians thought in the Institute, also shines. Just as brilliant is considered the bouquet of progress and growth of this Institute, from the humble starting point at the beginning of the century to the excellent situation, at the highest picks of Baptist theological university education in Romania, both for the preparation of teachers in an Institute of theological profile and the preparation of teachers for the religious system in the Romanian state schools.
Keywords: crown, unity, faith, education, Gospel
Octavian D. BABAN, Note despre înființarea Seminarului Baptist din București: paradigmele libertății și credinței la început de secol XX, în România / Notes about the Founding of Baptist Seminary of Bucharest: the Paradigms of Freedom and Faith at the Beginning of 20th century in Romania, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 39-71.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
The beginnings of the Baptist Seminary in Bucharest was both a Romanian Baptist endeavor and a SBC strategy in helping the Romanian Baptists. A desire for theological education has always been present in the Romanian Baptist communities, in all their beginnings across the whole country. There were several traits that characterized this beginnings of Baptist education in Romania, such as multiculturalism, multi-gender programs and evangelistic orientation. This article looks at the interplay between all these factors in the inter-war development of the Romanian Baptist Seminary in Bucharest, at its legacy and historical principles.
Keywords: theological education, multiculturalism, multi-gender, evangelism, Romania
Samuiel BÂLC, Impactul educației teologice baptiste asupra comunității eclesiale din România / The Impact of Baptist Theological Education on the Ecclesiastical Community in Romania, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 73-85.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
When we talk about theological education, we must keep in mind that this is not a simple act of schooling, but a mechanism by which a person’s personality develops, influencing his decisions and experiences throughout his life. In this sense, theological education covers not only that material realm through which a man’s mind enters the mysteries of science, but also that spiritual realm through which the Christian is taught to link the truth of science to the existence of God. Theological education therefore has a high goal and is not limited to the development of intellectual abilities.
Since the founding of the Baptist Theological Seminary, those involved in the educational process have understood that both learning and teaching must take place in humble dependence on God, for this education to be effective and to achieve its purpose. The pioneers of the Baptist faith in Romania understood that biblical teachings must be passed on from generation to generation. This led them to establish the Baptist Theological Seminary, so that all who wished to engage in the work of the Lord would receive an adequate education to assist them in fulfilling the divine mandate.
In this article, the impact that theological education, in the 100 years of existence of the Baptist Theological Seminary, had on the ecclesiastical community in Romania and abroad is particularly highlighted. At the same time, it highlights the special opportunities that those who want to study at the Baptist Theological Institute in Bucharest now have and the impact that theological education has in these times of freedom.
Keywords: education, impact, Ecclesial community, Seminary, Holy Scripture.
Cameron D. ARMSTRONG, Preston PEARCE, IMB at ITBB: Partners from the Beginning, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 87-105.
International Mission Board
The year 2021 marks the centennial celebration of the founding of the Bucharest Baptist Theological Institute (ITBB), the oldest Romanian Baptist theological training institution. Founded in partnership with the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (now International Mission Board, or IMB), ITBB has trained hundreds of pastors who serve Romanian churches inside and outside Romania. In this article, two IMB missionaries who have taught at ITBB chronicle the overarching vision of such efforts. Using qualitative data gleaned from interviews with past IMB missionary professors, as well as their own observations and experience, the authors develop strengths, weaknesses, and future directions for IMB-ITBB partnership, both in Romania and beyond.
Keywords: theological training, Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, Romania, mission
Daniel GHERMAN, Studiile Vechiului Testament la o sutã de ani de la înființarea Institutului Teologic Baptist din București / Old Testament Studies at 100 years since the Founding of Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 106-117.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
This article contains a historical presentation of the Old Testament Studies over a century of Baptist Theological education in Bucharest. The presentation is looking mainly at the last thirty years of this time period, covering the leadership of two chancellors of the Theological Institute.
Keywords: Marcionism, Old Testament Studies, Hebrew Language, Old Testament Theology, Prophetic Literature, Charismatics, Baptist History, Hebrew Exegesis, Old Testament Biblical Theology, Documents of the Vatican Council II
Marius SILVEȘAN, Institutul Teologic Baptist din București la un secol de vocație teologică (1921-2021) / Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest Celebrating One Century of Theological Vocation (1921-2021), Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 118-145.
Colegiul Național „Grigore Moisil” București
Liceul Teoretic „Marin Preda” București
In this paper we intend to present several events from the history of Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest. It was founded in 1921 and was known under this name until 1990 when it was transformed into a Theological Institute at university level. This change was possible because of the Revolution in December 1989 which brought a ray of hope in the history of this institution which is now free to fulfill its mission.
In this study we will present succinctly the beginnings of this theological institution, how it developed in the interbelic period and then in the Communist times. Various informations about its students and the biographies of the two Rectors of the Institute will complete the description of it.
Keywords: Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest, Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Constantin Adorian, Alexa Popovici, Vasile Talpoș, Daniel Mariș, theological education
Emanuel JURCOI, Uniunea Tineretului Baptist din România (1925-1947) / The Union of Baptist Youth in Romania (1925-1947), Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 1 (2021): 146-158.
Universitatea „Aurel-Vlaicu” Arad
The Union of Baptist Youth in Romania was the institution that mobilized the youth in the Romanian churches from the interwar and pre-communist period. This paper seeks to clarify the process of formation of the union but also to identify those who were in its leadership and the main issues addressed within this entity of the Baptist denomination. In the absence of access to a statute of the youth union in historiography there is confusion between national congresses and conferences. An attempt to clarify was made on the basis of elective assemblies and by comparison with the statutes of the Union of Baptist Communities in Romania. Also, an overview of the organization of Baptist youth societies reveals the necessary preparation for youth programs and their dynamics in the context of the local church. The missionaries represented the vital link between the decisions made at national meetings and the success of their implementation at the church level. Many of those involved in leading the Union of Baptist Youth were educated or even involved as professors at the Seminary in Bucharest. This youth organization played an important role in equipping the interwar generation that was actively involved among the young Baptists in the country.
The Union of Baptist Youth in Romania is proof of a thirst for religious freedom but also a thirst for leadership. On the one hand, the young Baptists organized themselves like those in other countries where religious freedom was more strictly respected, but it was also a desire of many of them to assert themselves. Many of them became the following leaders at the level of the Union of Baptist Communities in Romania. The organization was also a factor in eradicating illiteracy, promoting religious education, identifying and equipping young talents, invigorating religious services.
Keywords: Romanian Baptist Youth, establishment, youth society, religious freedom, congresses, national conferences, the press of the Baptist youth, missionaries.