Daniel-Marius MARIȘ, Teodor-Ioan COLDA, Relația dintre Seminarul Teologic Baptist și Biserica Creștină Baptistă „Golgota“ din București / The Relationship between the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest and ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church in Bucharest, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 5-23.
In this paper (“The Relationship between the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest and ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church in Bucharest”) the authors acknowledge the contribution of ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church in the evolution of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest since its founding in 1921 and throughout the following century. The financial support granted by the Church to the Seminary in the early ‘20s, the pastors of the Church who became principals of the Seminary, and the church members who contributed to the academic life of the Seminary from teaching or administrative positions, make the contribution of ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church unique among all the Baptist churches in Romania. The figure of Constantin Adorian, the founding pastor of ‘Golgotha’ Baptist Church, dominated the history of the Seminary for more than three decades. His endeavours regarding the progress of the Baptist Seminary until the middle of the 20th century are even more so remarkable considering the fact that between the two World Wars the believers of the Baptist denomination were severely persecuted by the Eastern Orthodox Church in tandem with the Romanian state authorities. The persecution also continued during Communism.
Keywords: Baptist Seminary, „Golgotha” Baptist Church, Bucharest, Romania, Constantin Adorian.
Daniel GHERMAN, Institutul Teologic Baptist la o sută de ani de la înființare în comparație cu alte școli ce au trecu pragul secolului de la fondare / Baptist Theological Institute at 100 years of activity. A Comparison with Other Schools at 100 years of Activity, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 25-36.
The article contains some of the spiritual warfares in which the Baptist Theological Institute from Bucharest was caught in a century, from the beginning of its foundation, 1921, up to the present, in 2021. The method of analysis is historical and comparative with information of other seminaries that have more than a century from their foundation.
Keywords: Romanian Baptist History, Spiritual War, Comparative Baptist History.
Samuiel BÂLC, Istoria baptiștilor din România: între relevanță, ignoranță și speranță / The History of Baptists in Romania: Between Relevance, Ignorance and Hope, Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 37-52.
Many people do not consider that the study of the history of the predecessors/pioneers in the faith should be a priority, seeing this approach as lacking in importance and practical applicability. However, as will be highlighted in this article, the study of the history of Baptists in Romania is not only useful, but also absolutely necessary.
Reading the history of the Romanian Baptists, we have the opportunity to follow the lives of people who have been faithful to God from beginning to end, people who have made the journey on the narrow path of faith their persevering concern and from whom we certainly have to learn useful things.
The history of the Baptists in Romania amply demonstrates the abundant grace of God, the blessed work of the Lord that has transformed the lives of many Romanians from the beginning of the Baptist movement to the present time. Even though they faced great trials under hostile regimes, the obstacles faced by the pioneers of the faith did not make them give up. The Baptist Theological Seminary also played a particularly important role in the history of Baptists in Romania. Through the work carried out within the Seminary, thousands of ministers were formed who carried on the Baptist faith both in the lands of Romania and abroad. This leads us to put more trust in God, convinced that the work will continue to prosper both now and in the future.
Keywords: Seminary, Baptist, relevance, ignorance, hope, history.
Emanuel JURCOI, Educația fetelor baptiste în perioada interbelică la Seminarul Teologic Baptist din București și la James Memorial Training School (1921-1941) / Baptist Girls’ Education at Baptist Theological Seminary of Bucharest and James Memorial Training School (1921-1941), Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 53-67.
The article on James Memorial School deals with both the historiography of the subject and contributes to a diachronic approach of the subject, however, with interpretations and nuances of the turning points in the history of the school. Also, the biographical medallions of the Romanian teachers of the girls’ school are unique. The suspension of girls’ school has occurred several times and for several reasons. First of all, in 1928, no admission was organized for a new generation due to a financial crisis, in 1929 the same practice but due to the non-completion of the building. In 1930-1931 classes were interrupted due to intra-school tensions. Then in 1941 the school was permanently closed due to the dissolution of the school by Antonescu’s decree. In addition to the thematic and diachronic analysis of the topics related to the purpose of the school, the subjects studied and the conditions for enrollment of the students, we approached in a unique way the main tensions between teachers, between cultic entities.
This essay is right in appealing to several archives such as the Archive of the Orthodox Archdiocese of Arad, Ioan Ungureanu fund file 17 and the Catalogs of the Girls’ School from the Archive of the Baptist Theological Seminary in Bucharest. Also, the history made by Ioan Bunaciu on the occasion of the half-centenary jubilee of STB in Bucharest 1921-1971 was omitted from the information sources.
Key words: James Memorial School, women, Romanian teachers, historiography, impact of school, school periods.
Marius SILVEȘAN, Ioan Rose Socaciu (1889-1959), Jurnal teologic Vol 20, Nr 2 (2021): 69-79.
Ioan Rose Socaciu, a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, was an important personality among the Baptists in Romania. He was a pastor, a president of the Romanian Baptist Union, a professor, and for a short period of time, the first director of Baptist Theological Seminary, established in 1921 at Buteni, Arad. He was known by his publishing activity, as a translator, and editor of the magazine Creștinul, and after his return to Romania, as editor of the magazine Farul Mântuirii.
Keywords: Ioan Rose Socaciu, Romanian Baptists, theological education.