Jurnal teologic 13.2 (2014)

SABOU, Sorin. ‘Snippets of Modern Wisdom.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 5-27.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University


These succinct snippets cover essential themes in the modern philosophy. The method is represented by Descartes, Bacon and to a certain extent Husserl. The existence of God as argued for by Descartes and the question of Being explored by Heidegger. The intention is to sketch them based on readings of primary texts. Even if the texts are short they are rich in content.

Keywords: method, existence of God, the mind, phenomenology, Being


BABAN, Octavian. ‘Luca și teologia lui despre Isus ca Mesia: titlul Hristos în Luca-Fapte / Luke and His Theology about Jesus as Messiah: Christos as a Title in Luke-Acts.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 29-40.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest


The way in which Luke uses the Christ title, ie the Messiah title, for Jesus indicates a transition from the traditional synoptic and Jewish view on this usage, which emphasized the OT connotations of the title, to the new, specifically Christian usage, Jewish hellenistic in approach, and characteristic to the beginnings of the Church. This article reviews the main references to Christ in Luke-Acts, discussing them from the general perspective of Luke’s theology. It particularly draws attention to the special significance of this title in Luke’s two volume work: a special emphasis on the divine origins of the title, on the specific divine connotations of the formula „in Christ’s name”, and on the importance of the Christ title for the identity of the believers as Christians, ie followers of Christ.

Keywords: Messiah, Luke-Acts, discipleship


BARTOȘ, Emil. ‘Poți fi altfel cu ajutorul paradoxurilor? O incursiune în principiile spiritualității creștine / Could You be Different with the Help of the Paradoxes? A Survey of Principles of Christian Spirituality.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 41-57.

University of Bucharest


The Christian spirituality excells in paradoxes. A paradox is something that seems to be absurd but it is nonetheless true. This study seeks to prove that the value of the Christian paradoxes is to be found in their capacity to transform the human personality and, implicitly, the human society.

Keywords: spirituality, paradoxes, sacrifice, faith, leadership


FODOREAN, Daniel. ‘Aspecte ecleziologice în scrierile părinților apostolici / Ecclesiological Aspects in the Writings of Apostolic Fathers.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 59-85.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University


The writings of the apostolic fathers make the transition between the revealed writings of the New Testament and patristic literature.They are called apostolic fathers, first group of Christian writers which activated in the second half of the century and the first half of the second century and they been the disciples of the apostles or they met with the apostles.In the literature of the Apostolic Fathers we find the root of many contemporary ecclesiological deviations, and to understand their significance should be studied in historical and theological context of the emergence of such writings. In this article we try to analyze the ecclesiological perspective of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp, as it emerges from their writings.

Keywords: church, leadership, apostolic fathers, apostolic writings, apocrypha, Clemente of Rome, Ignatius


RUSU, Timotei. ‘Conducerea divino umană a Bisericii / Divine Human Leadership of the Church.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 87-112.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest


In the third millennium, leadership became one of the top subjects discussed worldwide. The Church of Jesus Christ exists in the secular society with a variety of religious as well as secular leadership models. Nevertheless the Church is unique in every dimension of it, being the only institution that is human and divine in the same time. This article responds to the question of what is the uniqueness of the Church Leadership. The answer is rooted in the Old Testament theocratic monarchy during David’s reign which served as a type for the leadership of Christ over His church as well as His reign over all the creation.

Keywords: Leadership, Monarhic Theocracy, Mesianic Theocracy, Church


RUSU, Ieremia. ‘Argumente creaționiste privind originea și vârsta universului / Creationist Arguments about the Origin and Age of the Universe.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 113-144.

‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest



In this paper, there are presented apologetic evidences that the universe had a beginning and that its age is much younger than evolutionists claim. These arguments come from the Bible and from the latest science discoveries. Therefore, to believe the biblical teaching that God created the universe in the week of creation requires less faith than evolution.

Keywords. The Creator; creationism; evolution; origin of the universe; astrophysics


COLDA, Teodor-Ioan. ‘Utopia libertății religioase în România postbelică. Baptiștii din România în perioada de tranziție de la Monarhie la Republică (1945-1953) III / The Utopia of Religious Freedom in Postbelic Romania. Romanian Baptists in Transition from Monarchy to Republic (1945-1953) III.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 145-179.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest


In this paper the author tries to give a fair description and interpretation of the life of Baptist Churches in the period of transition from Monarchy to Republic in postbellic Romania, based on many unprecedented archive documents. The main focus of the paper is the problem of religious freedom in this very shifty period. Because of the persecution endured between the two world wars and during the nationalist and fascist regime of Antonescu, the self proclaimed absolute leader of Romania between 1940 and 1944, the Romanian Baptists tried to cope with the new situation established in their country at the end of the war, which seemed to be far better than before. Religious freedom was granted for all, first by His Royal Majesty King Michael and afterwards by the communists who managed to force the King into exile and transformed Romania into a republic. Though the communists were granting religious freedom through a new constitution they weren’t really committed to the idea of freedom, because of their proletarian revolutionary believes. This reluctance to offer religious freedom was encouraged by historical precedents in which the Orthodox Church managed to drive the state into a sinister partnership of persecuting those who were considered sects, dangerous for an Orthodox nation. In these circumstances, and tired from being persecuted, Baptist leaders and Baptist churches were forced into an unusual relationship with the communists. First it seemed that there couldn’t be any wrong or any danger in having a relationship with the state which is willing to grant religious freedom even for religious minorities. But in an atheistic and communist state religious freedom becomes a utopia.

Keywords: Baptist, Orthodox, Church, State, Persecution, Communism, Second World War


DRAGOMAN, Gheorghe. ‘Prefigurări vechi-testamentare ale oficiului de profet al lui Hristos / Old Testament Archetypes of the Office of Prophet for Christ.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 13, Nr 2 (2014): 181-204.

‘Timotheus’ Brethren Theological Institute of Bucharest


In his earthly ministry, our Lord Jesus Christ performed the threefold office as Prophet, Priest and King. His purpose on earth was to pay the price for our sin and to reconcile us with our Creator. As a Prophet, Jesus Christ brought God’s message to the people, while as a Priest, He offered Himself as the sacrifice for humanity, and as King, He was exaulted above all things and is rulling over the whole universe. In this article, based on the teachings of the Old Testament, the author aims to present the office of the Prophet, within the context of the other two offices.

Keywords: threefold office, prophet, priest, king, mediator, atonement, Messiah