Jurnal teologic 14.1 (2015)

SABOU, Sorin. ‘John Locke and the Moral Value of Toleration.’ Jurnal teologic Vol. 14, No. 1 (2015): 5-13.

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest. Liberty University


The concept of freedom of conscience is in the religious affairs and political affairs at the core of Locke’s understanding of tolerance. He redefined the church and the state accordingly. Even the effects of the church’s discipline, and the way the state’s laws have to be conceived and implemented, are seen from the perspective of tolerance. I argue that tolerance is the main lens through which Locke understands the identity and the relationship of the two. He builds a society with tolerance in view. Tolerance is the attitude that offers the context for freedom and peace.

Keywords: tolerance, religious freedom, Church and State


DRAKE WILLIAMS III, H. H. ‘Comparing Three Romanian Translations with The Greek translation of 1 Corinthians 1:17-31.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 1 (2015): 15-40.


Evangelische Theologische Fakulteit, Leuven. Tyndale Theological Seminary, Amsterdam



All three Romanian translations considered are sufficient for communicating the theological intent of the passage. Paul’s message of the cross is superior to the wisdom of the world. It was God’s intent to destroy all other wisdom in relation to his great wisdom of the crucified Christ (cf. Isa 29:14). While the world may consider it a stumbling stone or foolishness, it is the true power and wisdom of God. This, then, has affected Christians in their calling. They were neither wise, powerful, or of noble birth when they were called, and they are not this way before their heavenly father now. They currently stand in Christ who is their wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. This is so that they might boast in the Lord (cf. Jer 9:24). This overall meaning is communicated by all three versions.

Keywords: Bible translations, world, wisdom, cross, righteousness, calling


FODOREAN, Daniel. ‘Aspecte ecleziologice în scrierile apologeților și polemiștilor creștini. / Ecclesiological aspects in the writings of Christian apologists and polemicists.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 1 (2015): 49-67.



This paper has as its aim to examine the concept about church in the apologists and polemicists writings. During the second and third century church century gave birth to a new literary type – apologists and polemicists writings.If apostolic fathers literature been generated by internal needs and circumstances of the Christian community, apologetic literature been generated by external circumstances comes their way as the Church.The ecclesiology of the first five centuries of church history is important because it paves Christian thinking about the church. In this article my focus will be on the ecclesiological perspective of Tertullian, Irineu and Ciprian, as it emerges from their writings, the most representative writers for the second and the third century.

Keywords: Christian apologetics, Christian polemicists, church, leadership, Tertullian, Irineu, Ciprian


RUSU, Timotei. ‘Metafora „Templului lui Dumnezeu“ și implicațiile ei pentru conducerea bisericii. / The Metaphor of ‘Temple of God’ and its Implications upon Church Leadership.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 1 (2015): 69-86.



Church leadership is critical for the mission of Christ’s church in the world. God is not silent about this subject. Besides the explicit teaching about the leadership of the church, the Holy Scripture contains many metaphors about the church that communicate valuable information about the life and the leadership of the church. In this article we study the metaphor “Temple of God” and discover the richness of teaching about church membership and church leadership as well.

Keywords: Leadership, Temple, Vision, Community, Church



ROTARU, Ioan-Gheorghe, ‘Aspecte juridice ale adoptării Codului Calimah cu câteva observații privind unele dispoziții discriminatorii privind drepturile omului / Legal aspects of adoption of the Calimah Code with some comments on some discriminatory provisions regarding the human rights.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 1 (2015): 87-114.



It can be stated with certainty that the Calimach Code represented a combination of the local law based on the customary law, with the Byzantine law (the Basilicals or the Royal statutes), in fact, being used as well, as a main model, the French civil code of 1804 and the Austrian civil Code of 1811. The Calimach Code or the Civil or political Register of the Principality of Moldavia kept certain feudal features because it also contained bourgeois provisions, which emphasized the beginnings of the decomposition of the feudal disposal and of the formation, in Moldova, of the relations based on private property and on capital. The Calimach Code, together with the Caragea Code or Statute from the Romanian Country, was applied until 1 December 1865, when the Civil Code of 1865 came into force, which eventually became valid throughout the United Principalities.

Keywords: law, statute, code (of laws), coding, legal source, the customary law, charter, the natural right of man, promulgation


DRAGOMAN, Gheorghe. ‘Prefigurări vechi-testamentare ale oficiului de Preot al lui Hristos / Old Testament Archetypes of the Office of Priest for Christ.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 1 (2015): 115-136.



The purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry was to pay the price for our sin and to reconcile us with our Creator. As a Priest, He offered Himself as the sacrifice for humanity. In this article, based on the teachings of the Old Testament, the author aims to present the office of the Priest, within the context of the other two offices, Prophet and King.

keywords: prophet, priest, king, mediator, sacrifice, atonement