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MARSHALL, I. Howard. “Paul’s Mission According to Romans.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 4-29. University of Aberdeen, UK Abstract: Mission requires missionaries called by God to proclaim Christ and supported by his people. There is no hard and fast line between evangelism by the missionaries and by the activity of existing congregations. They overlap in that […]
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MARIȘ, Daniel. “Aspecte majore ale teologiei creației în teologia ortodoxă, catolică și protestantă.“ / “Major Aspects of the Theology of Creation in Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant Theology.“ Jurnal teologic 6 (2007): 5-42. Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest STRĂINESCU, Ioan. “Despre înțelepciune.“ / “About Wisdom.“ Jurnal teologic 6 (2007): 43-56. Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest SABOU, […]
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