Jurnal teologic 19.1 (2020)

Otniel Ioan BUNACIU, The Near and the Distant Neighbors – Reflecting on Karl Barth’s understanding of the possibility to speak about the Love of God. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 5-19. Universitatea din București otniel.bunaciu@g.unibuc.ro Abstract This article represents an inquiry in how the theologian Karl Barth understands love in relation with knowing […]

Jurnal teologic 18.2 (2019)

Emil BARTOȘ, Reflecții pe marginea doctrinei mântuirii universale / Reflections on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 5-36. Universitatea din București bartosemil@gmail.com Abstract This article is a critical reflection on the teaching of universalism, which recently has become more and more popular even in the theological evangelical circles. The […]

Jurnal teologic 17.2 (2018)

Tamara PEICU, Melanchton – Honterus: Intertextuality at the Dawn of Reformation in Transylvania, Jurnal teologic, Vol 17, Nr 2 (2018): 5-31. University of Viena, tamara.peicu@gmail.com Abstract At the beginning of the 16th century, Transylvania experienced tumultuous times caused by an ongoing conflict between the Hungarian and the Habsburg Kings over the province and the looming […]

Jurnal teologic 17.1 (2018)

GHEORGHIȚĂ, Radu, Solum Evanghelium – Gal 2:15-21, Jurnal teologic, Vol 17, Nr 1 (2018): 5-45. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary rgheorghita@mbts.edu Abstract The five Solas constitute a robust summary of the theology of the Reformers. Each of the Solas is supported by ample Scriptural texts across the entire spectrum of the New Testament writings and authors. […]

Jurnal teologic 16.2 (2017)

Daniel Fodorean, Martin Luther despre conducerea bisericii / Martin Luther About Church Leadership. Jurnal teologic, Vol 16, Nr 2 (2017): 5-25. Institutul Teologic Baptist din București coordonator.itbbid@gmail.com Abstract The 95 Theses of Reformer Martin Luther contain many references to church and the leadership of the church. This written protest against the leadership of the Catholic […]

Jurnal teologic 16.1 (2017)

HANCOCK-STEFAN, George. ‘De la sat la doctorat – istoria unei teze de doctorat în istoria Reformei / From a Village Boy to a PhD dissertation in Reformation History.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 16, Nr 1 (2017): 5-23. Palmer Theological Seminary ghancock@eastern.edu Abstract The intent of this article is to encourage students to pursue academic degrees, including doctoral […]

Jurnal teologic 15.2 (2016)

BARTOȘ, Emil. ‘Între declarație și devenire. Doctrina despre justificarea prin credință în teologia lui Jean Calvin și Dumitru Stăniloae. / Between Declaration and Becoming. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith in the Theology of Jean Calvin and Dumitru Stăniloae.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 15, Nr 2 (2016): 5-31. Abstract This study is focused on the Christian […]

Jurnal teologic 15.1 (2016)

FIDDES, Paul S. ‘Ecclesiology and Ethnography: one world revisited.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 15, Nr 1 (2016): 5-35. Abstract It is essential for theology to attempt to bring the two disciplines of ecclesiology and ethnography together. There are not just practical but distinctively theological reasons for this claim. In the end everything depends on the view one […]