Jurnal teologic 9 (2010)

WRIGHT, Christopher J.H. “Old Testament – Mission.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 4-13.
Langham Partnership International
Abstract: We cannot omit the even wider vision that not only the nations, but also the whole creation will be included in God’s purposes of redemption. For this God of Israel, of the nations, and of the world, declares himself to be creating a new heavens and a new earth, with redeemed humanity living in safety, harmony and environmental peace within a renewed creation.
Keywords: Mission, Redemption, Israel, New Earth, Harmony

SABOU, Sorin. “Christ in His Death (Romans 3:21-26).“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 14-22.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The Messianic Davidic king redeems his people and is designated as the new place of revelation of God’s glory, and of atonement for the sins of all people. This is the way in which God proves his righteousness (God’s character, God’s way of doing things, and the rightness of those who believe).
Keywords: Messiah, Redemption, Revelation, Atonement, Righteousness

STRĂINESCU, Ioan; ARDELEAN, Ben-Oni. “Morala creștină în medierea și negocierea conflictelor.“ / “The Chritian Morality in Mediation and Negociation of Conflicts.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 23-48.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: Conflict mediation and negotiation are absolutely necessary in various spheres of society, given the existence of conflicts that have different causes and sometimes very serious implications. If in the secular society those are often made irrespective of any ethics or moral principles, often aiming at only the final result, in the Christian society things should be different. Christians have the obligation to take into account in everyday living of the Christian’s morality. This is deontological (duty-centered) and not teleological (centered on the final goal), so Christian morality is mandatory to be practiced, including in such practices as mediation or negotiation. How are they integrated? What kind of Christian principles are also applied in mediation and negotiation? What does the Bible say about resolving conflict? These questions and other alike are intended to establish for the Christian involved in such practices to lean on scriptural precepts and apply them in conflict mediation and negotiation.
Keywords: Conflict, Mediation, Negociation, Morality

BABAN, Octavian. “De la modele mesianice antice la aspirații politice moderne: mesianismul biblic și tendințele secolului 20.“ / “From Ancient Messianic Models to Modern Political Intentions: Biblical Messianism and 20th Century Trends.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 49-73.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: Messianic expectations have a long history, their main source is the Bible (OT and NT), but there are messianic expectations about providential, or divine leaders, even outside the Bible world, in the pagan civilisations. These expectations have been collected and treasured by the modern philosophies, and have led to the appearance of modern messiahs that have endangered more than once the European commonwealth of states. This article looks at the main messianic paradigms of antiquity, biblical and non- biblical, and points out to the attractivenes and dangers of the messianic models, when they are not attributed to Christ, but accepted and used in relation to other political figures.
Keywords: Messianism, Politics, Christian

BÂLC, Samuiel. “Studiu comparativ al modelului eclesiologic ortodox și catolic.“ / “A Comparative Study of Orthodox and Catholic Eclesiological Models.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 74-112.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: This paper is a comparative study of the eclesiological models from Catholicism and Orthodoxy with focus on the being of the Church and its hierarchy.
Keywords: Eclesiology, Catholic, Ortodox, Hierarchy

GHERMAN, Daniel. “Etica Vechiului Testament și o abordare comunicațională.“ / “Old Testament Ethics and a Communicational Approach.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 113-135.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: In this article I will define the study of the Ethics of the Old Testament and present the main difficulties that the Old Testament researchers have in approaching this subject. Then, I will continue with the description of the ethical methods used along the time and the ways the ethical study was structured. In the last part of this article, I will discuss the problem of authority which these types of Ethics presented have produced. Meanwhile, in the development of this study, I will propose a new approach of making Old Testament Ethics, based on the idea that doing ethics is a way to communicate the moral convictions to which a person or a community adheres.
Keywords: Ethics, Authority, Communication, Person

GHIOANCĂ, Constantin. “Studiu comparativ asupra formulării doctrinei despre biserică în teologia lui Ioannis Zizioulas și Miroslav Volf.“ / “A Comparative Study on the Doctrine of the Church in the Theology of Ioannis Zizioulas and Miroslav Volf.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 136-159.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: This paper aims to identify and compare the essential elements which shape the doctrine of the Church according to Johannes Zizioulas and Miroslav Volf. It is to be understood as a comparison between an Orthodox traditional perspective and „Free Church” Evangelical perspective.
Zizioulas offers a Trinitarian perspective based on his own form of personalism and distinguishes between the biological and the ecclesial hypostasis of the human being. More to this, Zizioulas states that being is not a category in itself and this means that the Trinitarian persons derive their being from the person who is their source.
Wolf shares the view that the church is a community gathered in Christ’s name, though its Trinitarian perspectives are also to be considered. Accordingly, Volf ’s  essential contribution to ecclesiology is the ability to present the church both as a gathered community and as an image of the Trinity.
Keywords: Church, Zizioulas, Volf, Trinity, Hypostasis, Personalism, Community

COLDA, Teodor Ioan. “Religie și postmodernism. Metanarațiunea creștină în conturul Evangheliei după Ioan ca răspuns apologetic pentru socieatea postmodernă.“ / “Religion and Postmodernity. The Christian Meta Narrative in the Counter of the Gospel of John as an Apologetic Answer for Postmodern Society.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 160-187.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: Despite the reluctance regarding any meta narrative, the context in which moral and religious dilemmas are the most significant ones and the role of religion is far from clear, in post modernity people are opened to religion. This state of facts, which is often followed by intolerance, challenges Christians to assess the credibility of their religion and faith in contemporary society. Is Christian faith reliable today? Starting from the Christian meta narrative given in the frame of John’s Gospel we try to argue the reliability of Christian faith for today. The Christian meta narrative has the ability to integrate other meta narratives through the cross of Christ. Moreover, the Christian meta narrative embraces the oppressed, the marginalized, the persons who are discriminated, because on the cross Jesus was associating with the victims. The response given by Jesus to social problems and moral dilemmas is always current and does not need to be redefined periodically in any cultural circumstances. The Fourth Gospel was chosen as the starting point of the argument because in 1:29 the author makes a direct correlation between the world’s problems and the solution embodied by Jesus, and also because this problems had something to do with the Roman imperial meta narrative, which was oppressive.
Keywords: Religion, Postmodernity, Meta Narrative, Oppressed, Discrimination

ARDELEAN, Ben-Oni. “Evanghelia în relație cu statul laic și secularismul fundamentalist.“ / “The Gospel in Relation with the Secular State and Fundamentalist Secularism.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 188-205.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: Laicism and secularism were often confused in the process of defining them, both of them being stigmatized in the religious sphere. The confusion is largely due to the fact that they have often overlapped in society, certain approaches coincided up to even identification. A clear distinction is absolutely necessary for them to determine whether the Gospel can be favored or disadvantaged in relation to the laicism state and fundamentalist secularism. Is the laicism state allied or enemy of the gospel? But the fundamentalist secularism? Could the message of the Gospel be transmitted in such a context? These questions and others not included here, I try to give an answer through the content of this article.
Keywords: Gospel, Secularism, Fundamentalism, Laicism

NETTLES, T.J. “J.P. Boyce’s Vision of Baptist Theological Education.“ Jurnal teologic 9 (2010): 206-235.
Abstract: J.P. Boyce proposed a simple model for the relation between trustees, faculty and school operation; he suggested that using funds set aside for such education in the respective states could easily be managed legally. That simple action would provide an abundant source so that “there need be no excuse arising from want of means for procuring a thorough theological education.
Keywords: Baptist, Education, Boyce, School Operation

Jurnal teologic 9 (2010) can be viewed here.