Jurnal teologic 8 (2009)

MARSHALL, I. Howard. “Paul’s Mission According to Romans.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 4-29.
University of Aberdeen, UK
Abstract: Mission requires missionaries called by God to proclaim Christ and supported by his people. There is no hard and fast line between evangelism by the missionaries and by the activity of existing congregations. They overlap in that a missionary like Paul can operate in a local congregation and a local congregation can do its own evangelism as well as sending out helpers to aid Paul. The primary task of missionaries is to evangelise or make known the gospel by the use of words. Nothing in this letter (or elsewhere in the New Testament) suggests that mission can be equated with a dialogue. The conversion of the full number of the Gentiles and ‘all Israel’ takes place through people coming to faith in in Jesus Christ (or in God as specifically the God who raised Jesus from the dead). The Pauline mission embraced both Jews and Gentiles, even though Paul’s own calling was specifically to Gentiles. Despite the temporary ‘hardening’ of Israel, Paul persisted in urgent prayer to God for the Jews, and did not exclude the possibility of individuals responding in faith. According to Romans women were fully engaged in the Pauline mission and there is no whisper of the kind of constraints described in 1 Corinthians 14:33-36 or 1 Timothy 2:8-15 which were arguably special measures to deal with specific, temporary, local problems. Paul was not satisfied to have fully preached the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum but saw the needs of Spain.

SABOU, Sorin. “Înțelegerea convertirii.“ / “Understanding Conversion.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 30-43.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: New Testament shows five elements to be present when speaks about the conversion: repentance, faith, new birth, confessing Christ as Lord, baptism. When one of these is mentioned all the others have to be presupposed to be true about that affirmation or person. This would be the normal conversion experience to Christianity.

BABAN, Octavian. “Posibilitatea unei teologii politice a NT.“ / “Possibility of a Political Theology of NT.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 44-56.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: This article intends to show some resources for study and the fact that the notion of ‘political theology’ is well grounded in history and philosophy, and becomes a subject of great intrest in the larger world. This article provides the fundamentals of this theme and a select bibliography.

BÂLC, Samuiel. “Implicații ale doctrinei Sfintei Treimi în teologia și închinarea creștină.“ / “Implications of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity in Theology and Christian Worship.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 57-98.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The worship helps people to remember and to recapitulate the trinitarian dimension of God, who offers himself as a model of love and communion for human relationships to attract them more and more towards communion with him.

BĂDRĂGAN, Sorin. “Influența puritanismului și pietismului asupra spiritualității baptiste.“ / “The Influence of Puritanism and Pietism on Baptist Spirituality.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 99-128.
School of Baptist Theology, University of Bucharest
Abstract: This paper explores one of the most important relationship of the baptist spirituality, the relationship with the puritan and pietist spirituality. Puritanism and Pietism influenced the way in which the Baptists understood their calling to live according to the standards of Christ in a fallen world.

CÎMPEAN, Radu. “Studiu comparativ de teologie romano-catolică și neoprotestantă.“ / “A Comparative Study of Roman-Catholic Theology and Neoprotestant Theology.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 129-149.
Bethany Baptist Church, Sibiu, RO
Abstract: This paper describe a comparative radiography of catholic and neoprotestant eclesiological concepts. We will observe the convergent and divergent aspects of their eclesiologies that hinder the ideal of Christ that his Church to be one.

GHIOANCĂ, Constantin. “Dihotomia modernitate/postmodernitate și aspectul relevanței în cadrul bisericilor emergente vestice.“ / “Dichotomy of Modernity and Postmodernity and the Aspect of Relevance în the Western Emergent Churches.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 150-164.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The essence of the Gospel has to remain unchanged at all times and the ways in which it is presented have to be creative keeping in view the historical and cultural continuity and not a break with the past. Understanding the relevance as a link between two sides we do not have to be confused about the value of the doctrine and the means through which these are given.

COLDA, Theodor Ioan. “Christology in the Book of Revelation and in the Fourth Gospel.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 165-188.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The Christology of the Revelation has at its base the Christology of the Fourth Gospel. The books complete each other and help the community to preserve a holistic Christology. Christ has come, but indeed he is yet to come again. Salvation was achieved for the believers, but has to be completed at a higher dimension. Judgment was done, but there are different stages of the judgment. The kingdom of God has come, but the community could not see at the time when Jesus came in the World the full picture of the kingdom.

FLORESCU, Florin. “Rolul profeției în mărturia creștină.“ / “The Role of the Prophecy in the Christian Witness.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 189-204.
Bethany Baptist Theological High school, Sibiu, RO
Abstract: This paper is a study about the role of the prophecy in the life of the Christian as a witness of Christ who has to give to the world the way God see the solution to the problems of the world. This is done in the context of the Church where the Christian is an active member.

DRIMBE, Rebeca. “Feminismul în Codul lui Da Vinci.“ / “Feminism in the Da Vinci Code.“ Jurnal teologic 8 (2009): 205-217.
Abstract: The problem of the feminism in the Da Vinci Code is a doctrinal problem. Dan Brown attacks and distorts this problem. In Christianity the woman is equal with man, and yet different from man, having different roles in society. In the book the image of the Christianity is distorted in which the Church is against feminism and elevates the woman at the stature of the leader of the Church. The historical research shows that the Church did not expelled the woman but has defended her and gave her a certain role.

Jurnal teologic 8 (2009) can be viewed here.