Jurnal teologic 19.1 (2020)

Otniel Ioan BUNACIU, The Near and the Distant Neighbors – Reflecting on Karl Barth’s understanding of the possibility to speak about the Love of God. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 5-19.

Universitatea din București



This article represents an inquiry in how the theologian Karl Barth understands love in relation with knowing God and how this perspective may provide an opportunity for believers to relate to the world by understanding God’s ongoing concern for a world which He created as a result of love. By reflecting on how Barth describes the relationship between eros and agape, together with trying to understand how God is at work in the world Barth proposes both an understanding of God’s love as a way of knowing God but also participating in His purposes.

Keywords: Love, truth, Karl Barth, knowing God, agape, eros, neighbor


Octavian D. BABAN, Spirit blasphemy in the Synoptics: a problem of ill-timed unbelief? Jurnal teologic, Vol. 19, Nr 1 (2020): 20-50.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



The present article focuses on the specific way in which the Synoptic authors mention Jesus’ utterings against the Spirit blasphemy and on their history of interpretation. These utterings occur in Matthew 12:30-32, Mark 3:28-30, and Luke 12:10, yet their larger context is very important, too. Apart from their direct relationship with Jesus, they are especially valuable in understanding the Early Church views on salvation and on eternal punishment. The subsequent debate ranged from understanding the Spirit blasphemy as a sin that could be committed only in Jesus’ time, to one that can be committed even at the present, in relation with rejecting Jesus or one of his ministers, and generally, as an unpardonable sin. These two trends started in fact with the specific views of Augustine and Chrysostom. Some of the more modern interpretations, however, find that there could be a community warning and implicit encouragement, and a sharp critique aimed at the spiritual leaders. The present article tries to highlight the specific emphases of Matthew, Mark and Luke and discover to whom was addressed this particular warning and of what dangers did it actually warned.

Keywords: Synoptics, Spirit, blasphemy, unpardonable sin


Daniel FODOREAN, “Replantarea Bisericii” – de la concept la implementare / “Replanting the Church” – from concept to implementation. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 51-83.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



In recent years, the desire to see the church transform has generated a series of concepts and strategies that are nothing else but proposed solutions to avoid the decline and the death of a church. Besides the revitalization concept that already has a fairly well-established place in the ecclesiological field, other concepts, as the replanting church, are rather new in the applied ecclesiology across the world and almost totally unknown and unused in the ecclesial language in Romania and Eastern Europe. The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of this concept, but also to suggest some contextualized strategies possible for revitalizing the churches by applying a process of replanting the church. Replanting may be one of the most effective models of revitalizing the church for an East European context at the interference between post-communism and postmodernism.

Keywords: replanting church, church revitalization, ecclesiology, church life cycle, replanting strategies


Samuiel BÂLC, The role of communication in conflict prevention, mitigation and resolution / Rolul comunicării în prevenirea, diminuarea și rezolvarea conflictelor. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 85-100.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



Each person witnessed a conflict or was involved in a conflict at least once in their life. One thing that can be noticed is that, after the conflict ended, most people wished to have it resolved differently.

It can be said that, for the most part, the stages of any conflict are as follows: Disagreement – Confrontation – Escalation – Decline – Resolution. Generally, the disagreement begins with simple misunderstandings in which the difference between the way of being and thinking of individuals or groups is obvious/noticeable. The confrontation increases the differences between the parties in conflict by emphasizing the fact that others think or behave incorrectly. Because the arguments of the other are unheard, communication becomes extremely difficult, generating states of stress, frustration and a tense atmosphere. Escalation is the stage when reactions are out of control, reaching even aggression. Next is the stage where concessions are made, the parties making real efforts to reach a common point of view on the issue discussed. Finally, the resolution of the conflict makes possible the understanding between the opposing parties. This article will highlight the main role of communication in preventing, mitigating and resolving conflicts.

Keywords: conflict, prevention, diminution, resolution, attitude, communication


Amiel DRIMBE, Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in the First Letter to the Corinthians (II): Hermeneutics and Assumptions / Pavel și folosirea Vechiului Testament în 1 Corinteni (II): Hermeneutici și presupoziții. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020):101-146.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



Paul approaches the Old Testament using contemporary Jewish exegetical techniques and devices — the same as used by the rabbis, Josephus, Philo or the Qumran exegetes. Sometimes he even quotes the same Old Testament passages as they quote. Yet, the interpretive results are fundamentally different. It is so because Paul operates with different hermeneutical assumptions or convictions, that were the result of his Damascus road experience: ecclesiological, christological, and eschatological. The exegetical devices that Paul uses are not decisive for his interpretive decisions; his hermeneutical assumptions are. Paul may be a Jew exegetically, but he is a ‘Christian’ hermeneutically.

Keywords: Paul, Old Testament, 1 Corinthians, conversion/call, convictions, ecclesiological hermeneutic, christological hermeneutic, eschatological hermeneutic.


Ioan SZASZ, Etică și eclesiologie în teologia paulină, reflectate în 1 Corinteni / Ethics and Ecclesiology in Pauline Theology reflected in 1 Corinthians. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 147-166.

Institutul Teologic Penticostal din București



The Apostle Paul never separated the doctrine from Christian practice. Such an approach would lead to a dichotomy in Christianity between what it proclaims and how it’s applied in real life. The sum of the Christian values adopted through the participation in Christ of each believer is the personal ethos stemming from the character of God, revealed by the revelation of the Scriptures. These values, however, must be manifested in the community, otherwise they will not conform to the missionary plan of God given to His Church. So, Christian ethics cannot be individualized, but it is a characteristic that every individual must express in their community.

Keywords: ethics, morality, Apostle Paul, Corinth, church, community, values


Mihail CIOPAȘIU, Războiul baptist din Jamaica – Rolul Valorilor Creștine în Mișcarea de Emancipare a Sclavilor Conduse de Predicatorul Rebelilor, Samuel Sharpe / The Baptist War of Jamaica – The Role of the Christian Values in the Emancipation Movement of the Slaves led by the Rebels Preacher, Samuel Sharpe. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 167-189.

Fundația Providența (Proiectul Rut)



Samuel Sharpe is the leader of the slave revolt in Jamaica. A poor black slave, but well educated and with a strong spirit of justice, Sharpe red in the newspapers about the abolition process of slavery that started in the British Empire. He was convinced that the Abolition of Slavery was voted in the Parliament. Led by his faith and by Bible teachings as justice, the doctrine of creation of men in God’s Image and liberty, Sharpe proposed a non-violent protest of sitting and not working on the sugar plantation without being paid as regular workers. What he intended was quick replaced with the anger of the slaves who started to burn plantations and houses. The army responded quickly, and bout 800 people got killed in the insurrection or after trials. Samuel Sharpe is one of the last so called ‘rebels’ who was hanged in the open market.

His legacy remained in Jamaica as one of the national heroes, through his courage in his fight for freedom, but also through the witnesses who wrote about his strong faith and Christian values that convinced him to engage in the quest for liberty and human dignity.

Keywords: Baptist War, Jamaica, Slavery, Abolition, Faith, Bible, Image of God, Justice, Liberty


Radu Cristian MARIȘ, Problema succesiunii în slujirea pastorală în bisericile penticostale / The Problem of Succession in Pastoral Ministry in Pentecostal Churches. Jurnal teologic, Vol 19, Nr 1 (2020): 191-203.

Universitatea din București



The pattern of succession often observed in Pentecostal churches is similar to the succession of dynasties. Therefore, in this article we will analyze the biblical sources regarding the structure of the leadership but also the biblical model of the succession, then we will look at the information from the patristic period on this subject and in a critical evaluation of the contemporary models we will provide a model. All this with the purpose of reforming the way the leadership and succession in the service of the Christian churches are viewed.

Keywords: Pentecostalism, succession, Bible, leadership, patristic