Jurnal teologic 18.2 (2019)

Emil BARTOȘ, Reflecții pe marginea doctrinei mântuirii universale / Reflections on the Doctrine of Universal Salvation, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 5-36.

Universitatea din București



This article is a critical reflection on the teaching of universalism, which recently has become more and more popular even in the theological evangelical circles. The justification for our critical stand is sustained by the fact that none of the major branches of the Christian theology (biblical, historical, dogmatical and practical) can validate the idea that, at the end of history and of the redeeming plan of God, there would be a universal restoration and salvation of all beings created by God. The main part of this study presents progressively each major argument of the universalists, followed by biblical, historical, dogmatic and practical counterarguments. We do not think that the affirmation of the divine love and divine justice in the same time would be endangered somehow by not accepting the universal salvation.  On the contrary, we believe that preserving a classical soteriology and eschatology, and asserting a redemption accomplished out of love and a just final judgement is according to biblical teachings. The conclusion underlines not only that universalism is not sustained by the major Christian doctrines, but also that such a teaching could be very dangerous for many Christian practices.

Keywords: universalism, doctrine, salvation, redemption, eschatology


Amiel DRIMBE, Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in the First Letter to the Corinthians (I): Exegetical Techniques and Devices, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 37-82.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



Paul approaches the OT using contemporary Jewish exegetical techniques and devices – the same as used by the rabbis, Josephus, Philo or the Qumran exegetes. Sometimes he even quotes the same OT passages as they quote. Yet, the interpretive results are fundamentally different. It is so because Paul operates with different hermeneutical assumptions. The exegetical devices that Paul uses are not decisive for his interpretative decisions; his hermeneutical assumptions are.

Keywords: Paul, Old Testament, 1 Corinthians, exegesis, introductory formulas, chiastic structures, gezerah shawah, qal wa-homer, pesher, midrash, typology.


Mihail CIOPAȘIU, Argumentele teologice care au stat la baza demersului lui William Wilberforce de abolire a sclaviei în Imperiul Britanic / The theological arguments that motivated William Wilberforce in his attempt for the abolishment of slavery in the British Empire, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 83-105.

Universitatea din București



Born in an age where slavery was a given fact as common as birth or death, and the enslaved people were one of the engines of economy in the British Empire, William Wilberforce, a member of the British Parliament decided to act against this injustice. Even though it took twenty years for his first amendment to be accepted in the Parliament, Wilberforce didn’t stop from his attempt to end the slave trade and the slavery. Started with his brave fight against slavery many other societies joined this movement in the coming years of his victory. Also, the perspective on slavery shifted from being accepted and needed, to being considered unhuman and unjust. Motivated by his faith, supported by Christian friends and especially guided by his theological understanding of the creation of men in God’s image, of the power of love and the value of human dignity, Wilberforce managed to witness the victory on the slave issue after 46 years of work and fight against injustice. Because of Wilberforce fight against injustice, not only the British Empire changed its perspective on slavery, but the whole World.

Keywords: Slavery, Exploitation, Abolishment, Human Dignity,  Love, Image of God


Radu Cristian MARIȘ, Care este scopul teologiei practice şi cum pot fi integrate modelele din ştiinţele practice cu reflecţia teologică? / What is the Purpose of Practical Theology and How Can We Integrate Various Models Form Practical Sciences into Theological Reflection?, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 107-119.

Universitatea din București



This article introduces Practical Theology as an academic discipline by tracing down its historical development. Practical theology describes a context, interprets what has been discovered, brings in Christian norms, and constructs models of Christian practice.  It is a process that involves epistemology and hermeneutics. For practical theology to be transformative, a postfoundational theological framework that allows interdisciplinary work and interpretation of experience in a given context is essential. During the past 40 years the paradigm in theory formation for an academic and disciplinary approach to practical theology shifted from the clerical and ecclesial paradigm of ministerial actions to experiences of faith with the emphasis on an empirical based epistemology. The focus of this article is on the question: What is the impact of an ontology of life on both praxis thinking and theological reflection?

Keywords: Practical Theology, Interdisciplinarity, God, Church, Praxis


Sorin SABOU, Apostolul Pavel în interpretarea lui Alain Badiou. O notă critică / Apostle Paul Interpreted by Alain Badiou. A Critical Note, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 2 (2019): 121-134.

Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



In this critical note on Badiou’s interpretation of St. Paul I will argue that Badiou’s attempt of using the structure of Paul’s message as the structure of an argument against the present state of the world is without chance of succeeding. For Paul, the truth is the truth of the gospel, and if it is to work, it has to be christological. If God’s work is not salvific in the sending of his Son, then the famous structure of subject-truth-universality crumbles down. For Paul, the truth of the gospel is redemptive, and without this basic element universality cannot be achieved.

Keywords: apostle Paul, Alain Badiou, truth, subject, universality, redemption