SABOU, Sorin, The Role of the Professor in Preventing Plagiarism / Rolul profesorului în prevenirea plagiatului, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 5-14.
The traditional approaches to prevent plagiarism see it as 1) a moral error, and 2) something illegal. These traditional approaches do not lead to the satisfactory results in preventing plagiarism. More recently, internet plagiarism is an educational disaster which shows the problems of the present system of education. To understand academic integrity, the student needs to acquire a set of skills which help him/her to see the value of using the sources correctly.
Keywords: plagiarism, education, essay, book review
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
SZASZ, Ioan, Pauline Arguments Against Idolatry in 1 Corinthians 10:1-22. An Exegetical Analysis / Argumentele pauline împotriva participării la mesele idolești în 1 Corinteni 10:1-22. O analiză exegetică, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 15-31.
A good part of the social and economic life in Corinth took place at the idolatrous temples. Some believers, being actively involved in the community life, allowed themselves to participate in the sacrificial acts of these temples, believing that they were not spiritually affected. Their argument for attending these sacrifices were that the idols did not mean anything to them, and their Baptism and participating at the Lord’s Supper protected them against demonic attacks.
Apostle Paul provides a few arguments against this practice. In chapter 8, the arguments are made from the relational viewpoint. Those who are strong in their faith cannot be ignorant to the vulnerability of those who are weak. In chapter 10, which we refer to in this paper, the apostle’s arguments are theological. Baptism and Lord’s Supper can not be a substitute for obedience, and if we are united with the Lord by attending the Communion, it means that participation at the idolatrous tables unites the participant with the demon behind the altar. So, both the relational and the theological arguments are against the Corinthians’ participation at the idolatrous meals.
Keywords: 1 Corinthians, Apostle Paul, Lord Supper, altar, sacrifice, idolatrous food, demon, idol, freedom
Institutul Teologic Penticostal din București
STEWART, Alexander, COSTEA, Alex, Psalm 110:1: A Neglected Theological Foundation for Mission in the New Testament, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 33-62.
Psalm 110:1 is often neglected by Christians today because it is a bit enigmatic but this neglect did not characterize the earliest Christians. Psalm 110:1 was one of the most important Old Testament texts for the earliest Christians and it guided them in the development of their Christology and missiology. This article will briefly examine the Old Testament context of Ps 110:1 and every quotation and allusion to the verse in the New Testament in order to show how Ps 110:1 shaped the Christological views of the first Christians and, in turn, contributed to the foundation and motivation for global mission in earliest Christianity. For the first Christians Ps 110:1 presented Jesus as the world’s rightful ruler who was currently exercising his rule and reign in power at God’s right hand and who was active in leading and directing them as they fulfilled his mission.
Keywords: Christology, Psalms, Lordship of Christ, mission
Tyndale Seminary, Amsterdam
BÂLC, Samuiel, Intercultural Communication: Between Static and Dynamic / Comunicarea interculturală: între static și dinamic, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 63-90.
Globalization makes intercultural communication an unavoidable fact. The dynamics of society brings new features to how people interact with each other. Meeting other cultures is a dominant feature of the contemporary life. The intercultural communication means more than understanding the values of another group. It presupposes the acceptance and toleration of the differences between various groups. People live their social life in a certain context and culture continues to influence their interactions.
Keywords: communication, globalization, culture, values, society
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
ARMSTRONG, Cameron D. Female Inclusion in the Bucharest Baptist Seminary, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 91-121.
Integrating and including female students is difficult in theological education, yet more so when little precedent exists for such inclusion. In this article, the author discusses and critiques two pertinent education theories, adult learning theory and feminist theory. The theories are then applied in interacting with a former female student’s experiences at the Bucharest Baptist Seminary. The study concludes by offering five proposals for the further integration of female students in the theology classroom.
Keywords: feminism, adult learning, education, Romania, theology
International Mission Board (SBC)