Daniel Fodorean, Martin Luther despre conducerea bisericii / Martin Luther About Church Leadership. Jurnal teologic, Vol 16, Nr 2 (2017): 5-25.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
The 95 Theses of Reformer Martin Luther contain many references to church and the leadership of the church. This written protest against the leadership of the Catholic Church reveals, at least in part, Martin Luther’s theology of church leadership, especially the role of clergy in relation to the fundamental teachings of the Protestant Reformation, such as the doctrine of righteousness, the teaching of Scripture, the teaching about grace, and the teaching about Christ. Has Luther’s protest, about the teaching of church leadership, brought it back to the principles of the New Testament? Or, did he only correct the abusive practices of the clergy of the church? This article examines how much the Protestant Reformation, especially Martin Luther, is a reformation of the church leadership.
Keywords: Martin Luther, church leadership, Catholic Church, Protestant Reformation, church government
Sorin Bădrăgan, Redescoperirea doctrinei despre Sfânta Treime în perioada recentă / The Rediscovery of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Recent Times. Jurnal teologic Vol 16, Nr 2 (2017): 27-24.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
The doctrine of the Trinity has been neglected for many centuries until the twentieth when this fundamental teaching for the Christian faith returned to the forefront. This paper wants to explore the main reasons for which the doctrine of the Trinity has been rediscovered. An essential contribution to the commencement of this development had Karl Barth among protestants and Karl Rahner among Catholics. The emergence of the charismatic movement has challenged theology to articulate a more thorough doctrine of the Holy Spirit and, implicitly, of the Trinity. Another factor has proved to be the dialogue between Eastern Christians with their Western brothers, doubled by an interaction between the theologians of these two parts. Returning to the theological factors, we need to mention the feminist and liberation theology.
Keywords: doctrine, Trinity, theology, God, communion.
Emil Bartoș, Duhul și Cuvântul în teologia principalilor reformatori / The Spirit and the Word in the Theology of the Reformers, Jurnal teologic Vol 16, Nr 2 (2017): 43-75.
Facultatea de Teologie Baptistă, Universitatea din București
In this paper I will argue that all major Reformers have accepted the divine origin and the infallible character of Scripture, and this fact defines its authority as the revealed Word. In a unique way, the Reformers have correlated the Word and the Spirit (testimonium externum Spiritus Sancti – testimonium internum Spiritus Sancti), that is the external witness of the Spirit (the preaching of the Word) with the internal witness of the Spirit (the internal work of the Holy Spirit). For the Reformers it was essential that the authority and the content of the Bible are interconnected. The authority of the Bible derives from its content, and the content is confirmed through its authority. The authority of the Bible cannot be imposed externally. This authority comes from the interior, from the Holy Spirit and it has a double function: it prepares the witness for Christ and it stirs the faith internally in our humanity, and thus the witness is accepted. So, the Word does not have the role of a supplement, but the role of a singular. This was something very new at the time, and this made the Reformation possible.
Keywords: Reformation, Scripture, authority, Spirit, witness
Samuiel Bâlc, Viața creștină: între efemeritate și eternitate / Christian Life: Between Ephemer and Eternity, Jurnal teologic Vol 16, Nr 2 (2017): 75-86.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București
The authentic Christian life is not a simple conformity to some prescribed rules. Also, it is not an obscure mysticim that cannot be defined and reached. Instead, it is that way of life that produces spiritual maturity. This maturity means conformity with the image of Christ and cultivation of patterns of behavior which lead to spiritual growth.
Keywords: life, ephemeral, eternity, pilgrimage, God