Jurnal teologic 14.2 (2015)

SABOU, Sorin. ‘Descartes, Husserl, and Derrida on Cogito.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 2 (2015): 5-18.


Cogito ergo sum is a new beginning in the history of human thought. The cartesian foundation for human thought serves as the basis for the way the whole world is understood. All major thinkers are referring to it and interact with it. Husserl and Derrida build their understanding of metaphysics in debate with this new beginning and argue for the need of phenomenology, and use it to evaluate the history of madness.

Keywords: method, Descartes, Husserl, Derrida, metaphysics, truth, phenomenology, transcendental subjectivity, madness, language


BABAN, Octavian D. ‘Valoarea teologică și epistemologică a prezentării creației în Geneza 1:1-2:3. / Theological and Epistemological Value of the Creation Narrative in Genesis 1:1-2:3.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 2 (2015): 19-72.


To understand the message of Genesis 1 represents a theological and apologetical test for the Christian thinker in the 21st century. This passage has essential information about the creation of the universe, the relationship between God, universe, and man, and about the destiny of man. This text is mentioned in the science debates such as creationism versus evolutionism. This paper researches the Genesis 1 from two major perspectives: literary-theological analysis, and the scientific – philosophical debate between creationism and evolutionism. The paper tries to find the implications of these two directions of research for offering a relevant proclamation which follows the authorial intent and integrates in our contemporary times.

Keywords: creationism, evolutionism, science, Genesis 1


Daniel FODOREAN, ‘Emigrație, migrație și misiue. Considerații teologice și practice / Emigration, Migration and Mission. Theological and Practical Considerations.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 2 (2015): 73-94.


The contemporary period, particularly due to the large wave of immigrants from Syria to Europe, has revived an old theme found on the pages of Scripture, namely the theme of emigration. Our contemporary debates across the continent involved not only political, but forced the church to respond to this situation. In addition, we as a Romanian have been implicated in the discussions about immigration and emigration during the years, when after the fall of Berlin Wall, which led to the fall of the “Iron Curtain” and the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, it was possible imigration of Romanians in the  States of Union  European  looking for a job. While this emigration phenomenon of Romanians in Europe had an impact primarily on the family and, at least for evangelical Christians, on the other side affected churches in Romania. How should Evangelical churches in Romania answer to the phenomenon of emigration? What is the situation of Romanian immigrant churches in Europe? The purpose of this article is to offer a theological and practice reflection on immigration, migration and mission.

Keywords: Immigration, Emigration, Migration, Mission, Home Church, Sending Church, European Union


ARMSTRONG, Cameron. ‘Honor and Shame. Cross-Currents in Romanian Culture.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 2 (2015): 95-123.


The anthropological value system of honor and shame relies heavily on the opinions of the collective in making decisions and attributing worth. This is contrasted with the Western tendency toward individualism and its subsequent system of innocence and guilt. In this paper, Romanian culture is examined through this lens and how these concepts are played out in several facets of daily life. Individual testimonies are also incorporated to underscore this point. I argue that Romanians instinctively tend toward honor and shame thinking in their interactions with one another.

Keywords: Romania, culture, honor, shame, innocence, guilt, values


DRAGOMAN, Gheorghe. ‘Prefigurări vechi-testamentare ale oficiului de Împărat al lui Hristos /  Old Testament Archetypes of the Office of King for Christ.’ Jurnal teologic Vol 14, Nr 2 (2015): 125-150.


The principal offices that define the Kingdom-building work of our Lord Jesus Christ are Prophet, Priest and King. As a Prophet, Jesus Christ brought God’s message to the people. As a Priest, He offered Himself as the sacrifice for humanity and He paid the price for our sin and reconciled us with our Creator. As King, He was exaulted above all things and is rulling over the whole universe. In this article, based on the teachings of the Old Testament, the author aims to present the office of the King, within the context of the other two offices, Prophet and Priest.

Keywords: Messiah, king, kingdom, prophet, priest