MATEI, Eugen. “Social Trinitarianism and the Trinitarian Thinking of the Church Fathers.” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 5-20.
This paper considers some aspects of the Trinitarian thinking of the Fathers in order to evaluate its relevance to contemporary social Trinitarianism. An understanding of the Trinitarian language is essential for understanding the social Trinitarian argument. Therefore, without attempting a detailed exposition of the history of doctrine, this paper makes an overview of the emergence of the Trinitarian language in the Cappadocian vis-à-vis the Augustinian language. The second part of the paper goes beyond the Trinitarian language of the Fathers, to consider their use of the social analogy in Trinitarian context.
Trinity, social, Church Fathers, Augustine, doctrine
BĂDRĂGAN, Sorin. “Natura bisericii în înțelegerea unor teologi reprezentativi din primele cinci secole. / The Nature of the Church According to Some Representative Theologians from the First Five Centuries.” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 21-41.
This paper explores the doctrine about the Church as it is defined in the first five centuries. In those times it was given the main directions for understanding the Church: the Christological conception argued by Irenaeus, and the pneumatological one argued by Tertulian. The significant historical development in the area of ecclesiology was from an understanding of the Church as the people of God (Irenaeus, Tertulian) to one that understands the Church as an empirical institution led by a bishop (Ciprian, Augustine). One main result of this development was secularization and corruption seen especially in the Middle Ages.
Church, Church Fathers, people of God, bishop
SABOU, Sorin. “The Son from Above.” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 43-58.
This paper is a theological comparative study of the two New Testament texts: Philippians 2 and John 1. These portrayals of the Son of God show the common ground of communion, divinity, and of coming down to us, but also show the particularities of revelation, life, humility, and honor. These glimpses of the Son from above are the starting point for a New Testament understanding of God, history of salvation, and life in the family of God and in the city.
Christ, Son, honor, humility, obedience, church, unity, revelation, life
BÂLC, Samuiel. “Consilierea spirituală – resursă fundamentală pentru familie. / Spiritual Counseling – An Essential resource for the Family.” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 59-81.
This article, in addition to highlighting the importance of spiritual counseling for the family, also looks at some concrete principles of how this counseling may be undertaken. It is also encouraged, on the other hand, to use these excellent resources given the meaning, content and authenticity of spiritual counseling. Regarding the methods used in spiritual counseling, the Collins scheme is presented, which can be very helpful in this respect, the HELP formula that includes fundamental steps necessary for counseling and the SIPEIS formula, all being practical support for both the counselor and the family undergoing counseling. The conclusion which is highlighted at the end of this article, demonstrates that through proper counseling the family may receive the necessary support to help in overcoming all attacks to which it is subject.
family, counseling, society, culture
COLDA, Teodor-Ioan. “Condiționări vetero-testamentare în interpretarea unor teme literar-teologice din Evanghelia lui Ioan. / Old Testament Conditionality in Interpreting some John’s Gospel Literary and Theological Themes (II).” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 83-109.
In this study the author will analyze two important Old Testament motifs on which the author of the Fourth Gospel is building the meaning of his gospel narratives: 1) the motif of the way as a test and 2) the motif of exiting the real time and space to receive a revelation. The study is analytical, based on specific Hebrew narrative parallelism, in which the sequences of a narrative provide a pattern for future biblical narratives. Based on the text, at the end the author will propose a literary paradigm for each motif. Finding internal narrative paradigms used in the Fourth Gospel is a valuable and fruitful exercise in terms of hermeneutic. The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel’s narratives is enriched by a correct understanding of the use of Old Testament literary and theological motifs or themes and also of the Old Testament narrative patterns.
Fourth Gospel, narrative, narrative patterns, Old Testament, motif
SAVA, Andrei. “The Sufficiency of Scripture in Biblical Counseling.” Jurnal teologic Vol 12, Nr 1 (2013): 111-131.
Since the 1950s there have been many different views of how the Christian faith relates to psychology. Three groups have been though more prominent throughout these last six decades. One is the secular psychology camp, which believes that the Bible is completely irrelevant to counseling. Another group is biblical counseling, which believes that even though the Bible is not exhaustive, the Bible is relevant and sufficient for counseling. And the third group, as you might rightly deduct, is a blend between the first two, and believes that the Bible is relevant to counseling but insufficient for it and take their cures from secular psychology. In this article, I will suggest that the most effective, Christ-centered and eternally life-transforming model of counseling is the Biblical counseling one. I will try to bring arguments both from the Scripture and from the public square regarding the reliability and sufficiency of this model. Even though I am aware of the benefits of secular psychology in our society, I will try to argue that psychology, at its core is a philosophy that is build on quicksand and even though its observations and data could be useful in counseling, its theories and methods are incosistent and superflous. Giving the limited scope of this article, my desire is at the minimum to encourage the reader to be more vigilent and cautious regarding psychology, and to hopefully excite him to have a high view of the Word of God and dig deeper into it, to realize its tremendous wealth and relevance to the greatest problems of the human soul.
counseling, Scripture, psychology, soul, society
Jurnal teologic 11.2 (2012)
MARIȘ, Daniel. “The Triune God and the Dynamic of Forgiveness in the Body of Christ.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 5-32.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
How much do we learn about God and about forgiveness when we are dealing with betrayal, infidelity and sin in the Body of Christ? This article argues that the forgiveness that God offers when confession derives from real self-knowledge is properly regarded as healing. And that healing is the restoration of balance in that sense that it will enable the minister to receive forgiveness and to begin a new phase of his spiritual journey, teaching the people about real forgiveness and sharing with them the painful journey of forgiveness.
Keywords: God, forgiveness, Church, ministry
SABOU, Sorin. “The Law, the Flesh, and the Spirit – Romans 8:1-13.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 33-46.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University
The dominion of the Spirit in the new realm of salvation is an vital element for having part in the eschatological life. The dominion of sin and death with its results in a mindset determined by the flesh is broken by the power of the Spirit of life which gives the covenant blessings to those who have a mindset determined by the Spirit.
Keywords: Law, flesh, Spirit, salvation, Paul
ARDELEAN, Ben-Oni. “Etica postmodernă vs. morala creștină: impact asupra spiritualității creștine. / The Ethics of Postmodernity vs. Christian Morality: Its Impact on Christian Spirituality.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 47-61.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Our day ethic is somewhere debated, most of the time in attempt to define if there is a common base or there is no one due to the postmodernist influence. A view on ethics that is considered as conservative is the Christian Ethics, mostly due to the absolutes and Universalist views in ethics, views that are considered by most postmodernist as being outdated and inappropriate to impose to society. What are the differences between the Postmodern and Christian view on ethics? Are there any common grounds to build on? Is there an impact on Christian daily life and spirituality? To those questions and others that are not included, I will try to answer through this article in order to clarify this interaction between postmodernist view on ethics and Christian view on morals.
Keywords: ethics, moral principles, spirituality, postmodernism
BABAN, Octavian. “Pavel și Duhul Sfânt: metafore și paralelisme fundamentale. / Paul and Holy Spirit: Metaphors and Essential Parallelisms.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 63-79.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
One of the most profound subjects in the letters of Paul is the ministry of the Spirit in the believer. To have a good understanding of Paul’s teaching you need to take into consideration the literary devices and concepts used by Paul to describe the ministry of the Spirit. This article is a succinct analysis of the metaphors and comparisons (similarities and antithesis, paradoxes) used in Paul’s letters.
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Paul, metaphors, antitheses, paradoxes
VANDERENDE, Mattheus. “The Significance of the Mighty Acts of God in the Psalter for Liturgy and Spirituality.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 81-125.
Evangelical Theological Faculty, Leuven
From the very outset of Scripture, and therefore for those believing these Scriptures, the works of God are revealed and recognized. The Psalter teaches us to incorporate them in private and public worship, and to reframe and contextualize them for our day and age, the era of the mighty deed of building the church. What I meant to do in this paper is to call us to the Psalter for private devotions and liturgical gathering. To do so is to step liturgically into God’s story which is not science fiction, but historical participation.
Keywords: Psalter, Liturgy, spirituality, God
BARTOȘ, Emil. “Câteva lecții din spiritualismul Reformei radicale. / Some Lessons from the Spirituality of Radical Reformation.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 126-161.
Baptist School of Theology, University of Bucharest
The immediate purpose of this article is to delineate the historical and doctrinal background of Radical Reformation’s spirituality, and to select some lessons for contemporary Evangelical communities. The indirect purpose of this article is to identify those spiritual aspects that are supposedly viewed as starting points for the Evangelical movement in Romania, and to show that these suppositions are wrong if they are not described specifically.
Keywords: Reformation, Anabaptist, spirituality, Evangelical
GHERMAN, Daniel. “Contribuții baptiste la drepturile omului – expresie și a statutului acestora de „ceilalți“ în istorie. / Baptist Contributions to Human Rights – Expression of Their Status as ‘the Others’ in History.” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 163-175.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
The article presents two baptist principles which can be the foundation for two articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The baptist quality as „the other” is the source of such improvments in human rights.
Keywords: human rights, baptists, citizens
COLDA, Teodor-Ioan. “Condiționări vetero-testamentare în interpretarea unor teme literar-teologice din Evanghelia după Ioan (I). / Old Testament Influences in Interpretation of Some Theological-Literary Themes in the Gosple of John (I).” Jurnal teologic Vol 11, Nr 2 (2012): 177-199.
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
In this study the author will analyze two important Old Testament themes on which the author of the Fourth Gospel is building the meaning of his gospel narratives: 1) the theme of the suffering son and 2) the theme of the leaving prophet and the disciple remaining prophet. The study is analytical, based on specific Hebrew narrative parallelism, in which the sequences of a narrative provide a pattern for future biblical narratives. Based on the text, at the end the author will propose a literary paradigm for each theme. Finding internal narrative paradigms used in the Fourth Gospel is a valuable and fruitful exercise in terms of hermeneutic. The interpretation of the Fourth Gospel’s narratives is enriched by a correct understanding of the use of Old Testament literary and theological themes and also of the Old Testament narrative patterns.
Keywords: Fourth Gospel, narrative, narrative patterns, Old Testament, themes