Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The textual criticism has its own merits in producing good tools for research such as grammars, lexicons, original editions of the Biblical texts, critical commentaries. In the same time there are some weaknesses. The critical method is not able to explain the biblical affirmations of revelation, its unique events in history. The intellectual dualism is often the result of the critical method when it is practiced by believing scholars, because the affirmations of faith can not be explained by historical criticism. That is way, there is the tendency of biblical criticism to hinder the reader of the Bible in seeing it as God’s revelation for his people.
Keywords: textual criticism, biblical criticism, literary criticism, historical criticism, form criticism
Baptist School of Theology, University of Bucharest
Abstract: As Romanian Baptists continue to seek and find inspiration for their context by looking to their western brethren they should remain mindful that part of their identity is shaped by the Byzantine past and current Orthodox culture of their country. The Gospel has the power to go beyond culture and is capable of reshaping it. Therefore, this should not be seen as a disadvantage or a discouragement, but as an opportunity for Baptists in Romania to engage creatively and contribute to both worlds from their own walk with God as Baptist believers and disciples of Jesus Christ.
Keywords: Baptist, Orthodox, symphony, Church, State
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest; Liberty University
Abstract: The Prologue of Gospel of John is a dense theological text. The main figure of Logos is God’s agent in his creation for bringing it in communion with him. The Logos is fully capable for this mission. His existence, his communion with God, his divinity, his instrumentality in bringing everything in existence are his assets with which he comes to dwell among his people. He is unique. The theological argument starts underlying the depth of Logos communion with God and ends as he, the only God close to the Father’s heart, is making him fully known. True revelation is based on close communion.
Keywords: Prologue of the Gospel of John, Logos, communion, divinity, revelation
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: There have been vivid debates over the perspective of the human development, being either all by individual alone, or a development in community, but the real issue is the type of community. Is that one bordered by a certain region-type, or identity-type community? How are each of them functioning over the individual develpoment? How much influence could have, or is accepted by the individual in his/her develpoment? Those type of questions are addressed from different socio-human disciplines, but there is a real preocupation of theologians in order to find out what realy shape the human being and form the believer’s identity. Knowing the context of the individual formation will elucidate much of person’s behaviour, personality, believes etc, but also the person’s influence over the community where he/she is activating.
Keywords: context, comunitarism, identity, community, formation
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: This study looks at the importance of interconfessional Christian dialogue, a dialogue which in many areas is almost completely lacking. One of the foundations upon which a dialogue may be built is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Being the true foundation of all Christian teaching, the implications of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity are found in every aspect of the Christian faith. Although not easily explained, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity offers a unique model of how communion between Christians should look as demonstrated by the example of unity between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This kind of communion must be a primary concern of the Church, regardless of denomination, an endeavor which will enjoin a permanent interconfessional dialogue.
Keywords: Holy Trinity, communion, Church, interconfesional dialogue
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: In this article, there will be presented elements that will bring together in a typology three persons with three histories. Joseph, Daniel and Apostle Paul are three forerunners of their countrymen for the difficult periods in the history of Israel. Joseph is sent before the sons of Jacob to be relocated in Egypt to prepare their adaptation in this country; due to his wisdom, Daniel wins the right to be near the main kings of the two empires that follow one after another during his exile life and helps these kings know that the God of Israel is the most powerful god even if Israel was just a captured nation; Apostle Paul is a prisoner for Christ through whom the Gospel for all the nations is delivered so that the kingdom of God is extended to the whole world. All three have common elements that make their images typological. All of them have, also, differences that underline the reality of their life histories. The relationship between the two Old Testament characters and Apostle Paul could prove the link between the two testaments. The main common element of all these three persons is their ability to understand mysteries.
Keywords: Joseph, Daniel, Apostle Paul, typology, Israel, Old Testament, mysteries
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: In writing his gospel John the Evangelist had a theological purpose, rather than a historical one. For this reason the gospel’s reader must have in view primarily the theological focusing of the text which subordinates all the other aspects. Yet it is important to understand with the same earnestness the meaning of these other aspects. In this paper (Literary Aspects towards a proper Understanding of Politics in the Fourth Gospel. Specific Johannine Literary Themes and Vocabulary with Political Connotations) the author tries to offer some literary basis and directions in the study of politics in the Fourth Gospel starting from some specific Johannine literary themes, which carry forth political connotations, and political vocabulary. Along the discussion the author tries to argue that the political aspect is governed by the theological one and the politics of the historical facts of the Gospel are subordinated to God’s purpose and also to the theological purpose of the Fourth Gospel.
Keywords: The Gospel of John, politics, literary themes
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: Anabaptism was influenced by the Roman Catholic Church, at least in terms of their aspirations and means to a practical holiness. Erasmus, too, played an important role, through his production of the Greek New Testament, his insight into the nature and proper observance of baptism, and his mediation of the influence of the Devotio Moderna.
But it is also true that Anabaptism was influenced by the Reformation. They were certainly influenced by the theologies of Zwingli and Karlstadt, and perhaps even to an extent by Luther, though primarily as his teaching was mediated through Zwingli. To some extent, the Anabaptists were more consistent in applying their theological insights than were the Reformers themselves. How they differed from and reacted against them was, however, significant. Both the goal and the timing for reforming the church were points at which they disagreed. The Anabaptists were not out to reform theology, but the Church and practice of Christian living. Those were areas in which they would not accept delay or compromise. But, of course, there were also significant differences theologically, especially in the key doctrine of justification. Even in these areas, though, the disagreements came about chiefly because of the different concepts regarding the means and goals of holiness.
Keywords: Anabaptism, Reformation, Catholic Church, Zwingli, Karlstadt, Luther
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Abstract: The present paper is discussing the presence and the significance of the the Psalms quotations in the NT Gospels. It explores a few major textual and theological relationships of these quotations, such as a) the relationship with the masoretic or LXX source; b) the relationship with Jesus’ life and message; b) the relationship with the particular theology of the NT authors. The study focuses on Matthew’s gospel and on John’s gospel as two major gospel representatives which display both common and complementary ways of quoting the Psalms. In the end, the paper emphasises that, apart from the redactional nuances, there is present a particular type of exegesis from Jesus’ part, that displays appropriation of meaning and messianic, divine authority. As well, the paper emphasises that davidic, royal, psalm-related theology is highly important in understanding the NT views about Jesus’ messiahship.
Keywords: Jesus, Psalms quotations, Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of John
Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest
Keywords: exegesis, interpretation, original text, Church, ministry, pastors